Procurve+ | Custom fit contact lens

ProCurve+ Multifocal / ProCurve+ Multifocal Toric
The ProCurve Plus Multifocal can provide optimum vision for presbyopic patients. With a combined back and front surface add this can provide suitable correction at both VDU and near distances. Aspherical fitting ensure an optimum fit on larger diameter lenses. Larger diameters can improve stability and initial adaption for new wearers.
Ordering by specification based on Initial Trial Lens Parameters below or supplying spectacle Rx, Add, BVD and Ks will generally provide an optimal fitting lens. Trial lens sets are available for spherical BOZR range.
- For new wearers instil anaesthetic to stabilise lens fit and optimise initial patient experience.
- Assess lens fit with fluorescein and yellow filter at slip lamp.
- With toric lenses note flat axis marks (- -) rotation.

In an optimum fit lenses will move post blink vertically. Toric lenses will also appear as pictured. A lens that rides high and does not move with the lid is a high riding fit. This is usually due to lid interaction and corneal shape, altering the lens will not centre high riding lenses. Some lenses will drop and not move, especially high plus powers, reducing the lens diameter 0.5mm will reduce the weight and thickness of the lens. Lenses that are high or low riding will limit the multifocal effect. Alter the BOZR to create movement. If this is not possible mono-vision or distance CLs and over readers may give better patient satisfaction.
Assess the acuity with a distance chart after 10 minutes for lens settling. Check the lens power with spherical over refraction ensuring as much plus as possible. With toric lenses align cross-cyl with the rotation of the flat axis marks.
Perform a binocular over refraction
With the patient looking at a distance target with both eyes maximise plus in each eye using 0.25 D increments.
Most VDU will notice improved VDU vision compared to distance lenses. If there is a high demand for near vision tasks force plus in the non dominant eye until a NV target is clear, ensure distance acuity is acceptable. +0.50 over-correction in the distance Rx can also help significantly near vision.
Using a realistic near text (news print N8) ensure minimum plus, presenting +0.25D increments to both eyes until target is acceptable
If necessary adjust the lens fit and incorporate the over refraction prior to giving the lenses to the patient for the trial period.
The distance zone can effectively be increased by reducing the ADD if DV is poor. The distance zone can be effectively be decreased if NV is poor by increasing the ADD when lenses de-centre slightly or pupils are small.
If either the fit or power of the lens need altered forward the information to the lab or specify the parameters for the new lens.
Procurve Initial Trial Lens Parameters
0.00 to 1.75 D Cyl Ks differ up to 0.35 | Base Curve 0.1mm steeper than flat K | Power -0.50 more than spec Rx sphere |
Over 2.00 D Cyl Ks differ 0.40 or more | KFLAT BOZR -0.05mm KSTEEP BOZR +0.05mm | PowerFLAT -0.25 more than spec Rx PowerSTEEP +0.25 more than spec Rx |
Spectacle Rx should be minus cyl form. Correct for BVD is spec Rx is over +4.50
PCA Features & Benefits
Feature | Advantage | Benefit |
Aspheric back surface | Enables larger diameters to optimally fit corneas | Improves centration and patient adaption |
Front distance centre multifocal | Simplifies fitting and vision assessment | Improved vision especially middle distance and seamless range of focus |
Lathe2i freeform manufacture | Optimum surface quality and parameter accuracy | Improves comfort and surface quality. Ensures repeatability |
Optimised thickness profile | Minimised lens weight, minimises lid interaction | Improves comfort and vision |
Unrestricted material selection | Optimum performance for patient needs | Improves surface quality and patient biocompatibility |