EasyScleral™ | Custom fit contact lens

The Optimum Solution for Irregular Corneas
EasyScleral™ contact lenses provide an optimum solution for irregular corneas experiencing keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, post-surgical and post-traumatic corneas. A simple fitting system using trial lenses enables quick and accurate fitting. Front surface and thickness profile optimisation results in optimum vision and comfort. The geometry can be customised enabling even the most distorted eyes to be fitted. EasyScleral™ contact lenses can be worn during all activities allowing wearers full time clear and stable vision.
Ordering by specification based on trial lens assessment. Trial lens sets are available for spherical BOZR range.
EasyScleral™ Parameters
- Central Zone Sag: 1200 – 3000 (100 micron steps) – Toric Central Zone available
- Scleral Zone: ±4 step increments (200 micron steps) – Toric Scleral Zone available
- Power: +20.00DS, -30.00DS, ±7.00DC
- Diameter: 16.0mm and 18.0mm
- Material: Boston XO (100Dk)
- Mode: Daily wear, annual replacement
EasyScleral™ Fitting
With diameters as small as 16.0mm scleral lens fitting is made so simple for the fitter and pleasant for the wearer it really is… Easy. The standard 22 lens fitting set covers from regular eyes requiring captive fluid layers (Steven Johnson dry eye) to the most irregular post surgical eyes or advance keratoconus. The fitting is assessed with simple slit lamp examination and customising the geometry is so simple this can be the first and only lens choice needed for irregular eyes. The latest manufacturing techniques are used meaning surface optimisation and repeatability on every lens, as well as a typical dispatch time of 24 hours meaning your patients who need the lens the most don’t have to wait.

Why Choose EasyScleral™?
Fitting EasyScleral™ lenses is so refined and simplified it means less chair time, fewer lens exchanges and a faster optimum result for your patient. Patient comfort is described as ‘amazing’, and fitters who were previously sceptical about scleral find EasyScleral™ is so good for their patients they now consider them a first choice for many patients.